lunedì 30 luglio 2007

salad again ...

Today I didn't know what to put inside bento so I made something quick.
I just put some fresh green salad, a Simmenthal jelly meat, some pices of orange, a tuna onigiri and lemon sauce.
For dessert obviously I added adorayaki ;)

Bento box:
my big character Doraemon box

venerdì 27 luglio 2007

car bento

IMGA6476 by ♫ bunnychan εїз
IMGA6476, a photo by ♫ bunnychan εїз on Flickr.

Stamattina un bento velocissimo fatto col microonde.
Nel mio bento box nuovo arrivato settimana scorsa ho messo delle polpettine ikea con contorno di edamame saltati con cipolle, un ovetto sodo a forma di macchinina e scatolina di maionese, altri edamame bolliti, riso bianco con sesamo e spicchietti di arance.

martedì 24 luglio 2007

pasta salad bento

Sometimes italian love pasta salad made with butterfly pasta, tomatoes and cheese flowers.
In the lower level I put some white grapes and a mochi for dessert.

Bento box:
a two tier bento with a fork under the lid.

sabato 14 luglio 2007

sushi bento

Normally sushi is not really a nice food because with warm termperrature fish contained inside sushi gets horrible so I put canned tuna fish as filling ;)
In the middle of bento box there are edamame and a hard boiled egg shaped car ;)
To add some colur I put some puchi tomatoes ;)

Bento box:
this is a big man bento box just one tier

sabato 7 luglio 2007

hello kitty egg ;)

In july is really hot so as I noticed salad can be contained in bento like this one, I made another one with fresh leaves, carrots and tomatoes.
In the upper level divided into four sections I put some meatballs, white grapes, two japanese small maccha cakes and a cute hard boiledd egg shaped Kitty and coloured with edible felt pens ;)

martedì 3 luglio 2007

fresh salad bento

As most of italian people I love salad and normally bento boxes are not suitable as the kind of salad I like is not japanese food ;)
Anyway I have a big chinese bento two tier box which can contain a fresh salad I put in the lower tier, in a small pig bottle I put lemon sauce and added a hard boiled egg ;)
In the upper tier I put two big round onigiri withh face details made of nori, some meatballs with edamame and sauce box ;)
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